Klbersynth GH 6 GH 6220. 5 67 0 obj endobj xref 67 35 n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n n. synthetic oil for chain for the food industry aerosol Klberfood NH1 CH 2220 Spray. cutting oil mineral for pumps Klber Tyreno Fluid M100V. lubrication oil mineral synthetic for gears Klbersynth GH 6 series. Synthetic Lubricant Cross Reference Chart Series EP Lubricant SY 150 460 PAO Idemitsu Kosan Daphne Alpha Gear 32 46 68 100 150 220 320 Klubersynth GH 6 80 100 150 220 320 460 680 1000 PAG LeahyWolf Synmaster EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7 PAO Leprinxol (Germany) PG GK Synth 46 68 100 220 680 PAG LuBestMomar Gear Oil EP3 EP4 EP5 EP6 EP7. Company Description Engineered Solutions through Innovation Experience, technical knowhow and innovation are the cornerstones of Klber's success. Klubersynth GH 6 are polyglycol based synthetic gear oils with a high scuffling load and micropitting resistance. They have excellent aging and oxidation resistance, good temperature vs. viscosity performance and very good thermal stability. Find out all of the information about the Klber Lubrication product: synthetic oil for chain hightemperature Klbersynth CH 2100 N. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale. Klbersynth EG 4 oils Synthetic highperformance gear oils Temperature Viscosity Diagram A) Klbersynth EG D) Klbersynth EG 4320 B) Klbersynth EG 4680 E) Klbersynth EG 4220 Highquality lubricating oils have a good wetting ability and spread easily across the components. Their good viscositytemperature behaviour ensures that the oil film viscosity is maintained, making them a good choice for high speeds and high temperature applications. Houston, TX 1 Lubrication Technologies, Inc. Synthetic Industrial Lubricant Cross Reference Chart Series Klubersynth GH 6 80 100 150 220 320 460 680 1000 PAG. Klubersynth GH 6220 Klubersynth GH 6460. Molyduval Syntholube G 220 Molyduval Syntholube G 460. Molyduval Syntholub G 46 ep: Klubersynth 80KV. Molyduval Synthulobe G 68 EP: Klubersynth 100 KV. Klubersynth UH1 6220 High Temperature Gear Oil Application Notes: For the lubrication of worm gears with steel bronze gear wheels and the lubrication of all types of spur gears and bevel gears operating at increased temperature. Klber Lubrication stata fondata da Theodor Klber a Monaco di Baviera nel 1929. Dal 1966 entrata a dar parte di Freudenberg Chemical Specialities che una societ del Gruppo Freudenberg, con sede a Weinheim, Germania, fondata oltre 160 anni fa da Carl Johann Freudenberg. Product description Klbersynth GH 6 oils are gear oils on a polyglycol basis. They have a high scuffing load capacity and micropitting resistance. These oils have also proved their good wear protection in rolling bearings on the FAG FE8 test rig for 6. Checklist for installation and operation! Verify that the purchased NORD product has been supplied with the expected accessories options. Check the received goods and packing slip to make sure items are properly received. Make sure that you have all of the required Operating Instructions for your NORD electric motor, gearmotor. Synthetic Lubricant Cross Reference Chart Series Series Name ISO 46 ISO 68 ISO 100 ISO 150 ISO 220 ISO 320 ISO 460 ISO 680 ISO 1000 Remarks AGMA Grade 1EP 2 EP 3 EP 4 EP 5 EP 6 EP 7 EP 8 EP Agip (Italy) Blasia S 150 220 320 PAG Klubersynth GH 6. Kluber lubrication Klber Lubrication was founded by Theodor Klber in Munich in 1929, and to this day Klbers headquarters is located there. Klber Lubrication offers approximately 2000 different specialty lubricants, many of them developed and manufactured to specific customer requirements. Klubersynth GH 6 80 100 150 220 320 460 680 1000 PAG Klubersynth GEM 4 32N46N 68N 100N 150N 220N 320N 460N 680N Kost KOSTGard SynGard EP 68 100 150 220 320 460 680 Klbersynth GH 6320 Gear Oil Synthetic gear and high temperature oils 320 NONE Klbersynth GH 6460 Gear Oil Synthetic gear and high temperature. Frequently requested Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are downloadable for the convenience of Makino customers. Updates are made to these documents whenever revised versions are available. Makino makes it easy to upgrade with flexible financing options. learn more You will find detailed product information leaflets unterneath the individual products lubricant dispensers, klubersynth jip 84 402, mikrozella g 8 oykusu, kluberquiet bq 72 72, klubersynth gh 6 150 msds, klubersynth el 42 32, klubersynth gh 6 220 datenblatt, oxigenoex fluid s 4, klubersynth gh 6 220. Requirements set forth in DIN, CLP are met by viscosity variants ISO VG 68 to 680. Klberoil 4 UH1 N oils can be used in gearboxes requiring these standards without prior consent by the gearbox OEM if the application notes are observed. Material Safety Data Sheet Product name: KLUBERSYNTH UH1 6460 (# ) Date: February 9, 2006 Replaces: September 24, 2005 Page: 1 of 3 The information herein is given in good faith, but without warranty, express or implied. 160 C Klbersynth UH1 6680 approx. 160 C When applied via automatic systems, the manufacturers Klbersynth UH1 6 oils l 6\qwkhwlf kljk shuirupdqfh jhdu rlov l 6fxiilqj ordg fdsdflw\ frqirupv wr 3, l 0lvfleoh zlwk plqhudo rlo l ([fhoohqw fruurvlrq surwhfwlrq klbersynth eg 4220 klbersynth eg 4320 klbersynth eg 4150 3dlodq@stqd: kxadqrxmsg nhkr 2xmsgdshb ghfg odqenql@mbd fd@q nhkr lubrication for treadmill belt, klubersynth uh1 14 31, klubersynth gh 6 1000, klubersynth eg4 680, klubersynth ch 6 110, lamora d220, lubricating oils uses, oxigenoex s 4 Please contact NSF International to confirm the status of any Listing, report errors, or make suggestions. Klbersynth UH1 6220: H1 Klbersynth UH1 6320: H1 Klbersynth UH1 6460: H1 STABUTHERM GH 461: H2 UNISILKON L 250 L: H1 UNISILKON L 641: H1 Unisilkon L 641 N. Study the Material safety data sheets for the hazards of the chemical, learn the instructions on handling, storage and the emergency measures in case of accident. Take our free online course to learn how to to properly apply and use your MSDS. Klbersynth GH 6460 Klbersynth GH 6220 Klbersynth GH 6150 Klbersynth GH 6100 Klbersynth GH 680 Klbersynth GH 646 Klbersynth GH 632 Klbersynth GH 10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 3DLODQ@STQD HM 3DFN VLHV. Material Safety Data Sheet Product Name: KLUBERSYNTH GH 6220 Article Number: Date: September 26, 2008 Replaces: March 5, 2007 Page: 3 of 3 The information herein is given in good faith, but without warranty, express or implied. Klbersynth GH 6 Oils Synthetic gear and hightemperature oils Product Information 5. Worksheet Selection of oil viscosity for gears The manufacturers instructions on oil viscosity take priority in any case. LUBRICANTS CROSSREFERENCE GUIDE. The CrossReference Section lists the closest Huskey equivalents to competitive products. It may be used as a general guide, but it. Newark, NJ Toledo, OH Website: For additional technical and cross reference Information, Please call Lubriplate Sales and Service or Email. Klubersynth GH 6 220Klubersynth GH 6 220KlberComp Klubersynth GH 6 220 1. Kluber ALUSTRA 65 Advanced Lubricants For All Industries. Contents The names Lubriplate, SynXtreme and LUBRIARMOUR are registered trademarks owned by Lubriplate Lubricants Company. Synthetic High Temp Fluids 68 and 220: 100 EsterBased, Oven Chain and Gearbox Fluid Lubricants. Klubersynth GH 6220 Synthetic Gear Oil. We are proud to be able to offer many outstanding Kluber products including Klubersynth GH 6220 synthetic gear oil. More details about this product are presented in the Product Data Sheet below. Klber Klbersynth GH 6150 Is a synthetic highperformance gear and hightemperature oil with KlberComp Lube Technology. Get Kluber Lubrication, Grasa Kluber, Kluber Oil, Kluber Lubrification, Kluber Topas, Kluber Germany, Kluber USA from. Klbersynth UH1 6460 Revision Date 22Jan2015 Skin contact Prolonged contact may cause redness and irritation. May cause sensitization by skin contact. Inhalation Vapors andor aerosols which may be formed at elevated temperatures may be irritating to eyes and respiratory tract. Ingestion Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. LUBRICANTS BRAND COMPARISON Free download as PDF File (. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site. Klberoil GEM 1100 ISOFLEX MT 30 rot Klbersynth GH6680 Klbersynth GH6220 Optigear BM 100 Ultra 10 Klbersynth GH 6 oils Synthetic gear and high temperature oils Klbersynth GH 632, 46, 80, 100, 150, 220, 320, 460, 680, 1000 Edition 05. 06 Material Safety Data Sheets Material safety data sheets can be downloaded or requested via our website. Klbersynth GH 6 le sind Getriebele auf Polyglykolbasis. Sie verfgen ber eine hohe Fress und. Product description Klbersynth HB is a lubricating grease containing a highquality synthetic base oil and a polyurea thickener. This combination enables longterm lubrication over a wide temperature range. The high base oil viscosity and special additives help to attain good wear protection under high loads..