The book serves as a comprehensive guideline for query processing over uncertain databases. Authors: Lei Contact Xiang Lian directly; View Xiangs Full Profile. Query processing in the uncertain database has become increasingly important due to the wide existence of uncertain data in many real applications. Different from handling precise data, the uncertain query processing needs to consider the data uncertainty and answer queries with confidence guarantees. In this book, we start from the data models for imprecise and uncertain data, move on to defining different semantics for queries on uncertain data, and finally discuss the advanced query processing techniques for various probabilistic queries in uncertain databases. Sorry, our data provider has not provided any external links therefore we are unable to provide a link to the full text. Recently, query processing over uncertain data has become increasingly important in many real applications like locationbased services (LBS), sensor network monitoring, object identification, and moving object search. In many of these applications, data are. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 6, JUNE 2008 809 Probabilistic Group Nearest Neighbor Queries in Uncertain Databases Xiang Lian, Student Member, IEEE, and Lei Chen, Member, IEEE AbstractThe importance of query processing over uncertain data has recently arisen due to its wide usage in many realworld applications. Retrouvez Query Processing over Uncertain Databases et des millions de livres en stock sur Amazon. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion Amazon. fr Query Processing over Uncertain Databases. the Search Query Processing Over Uncertain Databases Xiang Lian PDF window or a Find toolbar. While primary function performed by the two alternate options is very nearly the same, there are adaptations in. Query Processing over Uncertain and Probabilistic Databases LeiChen1 andXiangLian2 1 Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, China leichen@cs. hk 2 Department of Computer Science, University of. Xiang LianXiang 6 Xiang [Lei Chen; Xiang Lian, (Computer scientist) Due to measurement errors, transmission lost, or Query Processing over Uncertain Databases (Synthesis Lectures on Data Management): : Computer Science Books Amazon This W3C I18n article provides guidelines for the migration of software and data to Unicode. eBooks Query Processing Over Uncertain Databases Xiang Lian is available in formats such as PDF, DOC and ePUB which you can directly download and save. Buy Query Processing over Uncertain Databases (Synthesis Lectures on Data Management) by Lei Chen ( ) by Lei Chen; Xiang Lian (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. The importance of query processing over uncertain data has recently arisen due to its wide usage in many realworld applications. In the context of uncertain databases, previous works have studied many query types such as nearest neighbor query, range query, top. Furthermore, we propose and tackle the PRank query processing over the join of two distinct uncertain databases. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed approaches in answering PRank queries, in terms of both wall. CHEN LIAN QUERY PROCESSING OVER UNCERTAIN DATABASES MORGAN CLAYPOOl Query Processing over Uncertain Databases Lei Chen Xiang Lian Morgan Claypool Publishers w w w. Tamer zsu, University of Waterloo The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering PhD Thesis Defence Title: Efficient Query Processing over Uncertain Data By Mr. Xiang Lian Abstract Uncertain data management has become increasingly important in many realworld applications such as sensor network monitoring, locationbased services (LBS), biometric databases, moving object. Query Processing over Uncertain and Probabilistic Databases (Tutorial). In Proceedings of the International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA'12), pages, Busan, South Korea, Apr. The Paperback of the Query Processing over Uncertain Databases by Lei Chen, Xiang Lian at Barnes Noble. Favorite Paperbacks: Buy 2, Get the 3rd Free After that, we will introduce recent trends on query processing over uncertain nontraditional databases, such as sets and graphs. Finally, we will highlight some future research directions. The tutorial aims to introduce the stateoftheart query processing techniques over uncertain and probabilistic data and discuss the potential research. Kp Query Processing over Uncertain Databases av Lei Chen, Xiang Lian p Bokus. Buy Query Processing over Uncertain Databases (Synthesis Lectures on Data Management) by Lei Chen, Xiang Lian (ISBN: ) from Amazon's Book Store. Everyday low prices and free delivery on eligible orders. Query Processing over Uncertain and Probabilistic Databases. Query Processing over Uncertainand Probabilistic DatabasesLei Chen 1 and Xiang Lian 21Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Efficient query processing over uncertain data. Due to the intrinsic differences between uncertain and certain data, we formally redefine these query types in uncertain databases, which provides the confidence guarantee of the query answers. Most importantly, to tackle the efficiency problem of query processing, we propose. Query Processing over Uncertain Databases. Synthesis Lectures on Data Management, Morgan Claypool Publishers 2012, ISBN, pp. Lei Chen, Xiang Lian: Query Processing over Uncertain and Probabilistic Databases. Query Processing Over Uncertain Databases Xiang Lian instructions guide, service manual guide and maintenance manual guide on your products. Before by using this manual, service Query Processing over Uncertain Databases Home HKUST Institutional Repository Query processing over uncertain and probabilistic databases Author(s): Efficient query processing over uncertain data Author(s): Lian, Xiang 2009; Probabilistic ranked queries in uncertain databases. Dcouvrez le profil de Xiang Lian sur LinkedIn, la plus grande communaut professionnelle au monde. Xiang indique 6 postes sur son profil. Consultez le profil complet sur LinkedIn et dcouvrez les relations de Xiang, ainsi que des emplois dans des entreprises similaires. Query Processing over Uncertain and Probabilistic Databases (Tutorial). In Proceedings of the International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications (DASFAA'12), pages, Busan, South Korea, Apr. Recently, query processing over uncertain data has become increasingly important in many real applications like locationbased services (LBS), sensor network monitoring, object identification, and moving object search. Encuentra Query Processing over Uncertain Databases (Synthesis Lectures on Data Management) de Lei Chen, Xiang Lian (ISBN: ) en Amazon. His research interests include query processing over (1) Probabilistic, Inconsistent, and Uncertain Databases, (2) Uncertain and Certain Graph Databases, (3) Streaming Time Series Databases, and (4) Spatial Databases. After that, we will introduce recent trends on query processing over uncertain nontraditional databases, such as sets and graphs. Finally, we will highlight some future research directions. The tutorial aims to introduce the stateoftheart query processing techniques over uncertain and probabilistic data and discuss the potential research. Furthermore, we propose and tackle the PRank query processing over the join of two distinct uncertain databases. Extensive experiments have demonstrated the efficiency and effectiveness of our proposed approaches in answering PRank queries, in terms of both wall. Efcient Query Processing Techniques in Uncertain Databases Xiang Lian and Lei Chen The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology fxlian, leicheng@cse. hk Abstract in Uncertain Databases Xiang Lian, Student Member, IEEE, and Lei Chen, Member, IEEE AbstractThe importance of query processing over uncertain data has recently arisen due to. Query Processing over Uncertain Databases (Synthesis Lectures on Data Management) by Lei Chen, Xiang Lian. However, query processing techniques for deterministic data cannot be directly applied to uncertain data because they do not have mechanisms to handle data uncertainty. Therefore, efficient and effective manipulation of uncertain data is a practical yet challenging research topic. Kp Query Processing over Uncertain Databases av Lei Chen, Xiang Lian p Bokus. Query Processing Over Uncertain Databases Xiang Lian 420 ieee transactions on knowledge and data engineering, ranked query processing in uncertain databases xiang. In a special P case where queries over uncertain data. preference function is linear, we have fO di1 wi Oi, where wi is a weight indicating the users preference and Oi 2. 2 Query Processing in Uncertain Databases is the ith coordinate of object O. Query processing over uncertain data has gained much Due to the importance of ranked. IEEE Computer Society Digital Library. The importance of query processing over uncertain data has recently arisen due to its wide usage in many realworld applications. Reverse skyline queries over uncertain databases have many important applications such as sensor data monitoring and business planning. Due to the existence of uncertainty in many realworld data, answering reverse skyline queries accurately and efficiently over. Abstract Due to measurement errors, transmission lost, or injected noise for privacy protection, uncertainty exists in the data of many real applications. However, query processing techniques for deterministic data cannot be directly applied to uncertain data because they do not have mechanisms to handle data uncertainty. Therefore, efficient and effective manipulation of uncertain data is a. Xiang Lian and Lei Chen, Trip Planner Over Probabilistic TimeDependent Road Networks, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), 26(8): (2014). Yongxin Tong, Caleb Chen Cao, Lei Chen, Efficient Probabilistic Supergraph Search over Large Uncertain Graphs, accepted to appear in CIKM 2014. Query processing over uncertain databases. [Lei Chen; Xiang Lian, (Computer scientist) Due to measurement errors, transmission lost, or injected noise for privacy protection, uncertainty exists in the data of many real applications. However, query processing techniques for. Query Processing Over Uncertain Databases by Lei Chen, Xiang Lian starting at 17. Query Processing Over Uncertain Databases has 1 available editions to buy at Alibris Ranked Query Processing in Uncertain Databases 420 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENG.