Their rapid and effective biological action on the nervous system is the main reason for their use as incapacitating agents by the armed forces. seizure of the crowded Dubrovka Theater on 23 October 2002 by some 40 to 50 armed Chechens The Moscow theatre hostage crisis was the seizure on October 23, 2002 of a crowded Moscow theatre by armed Chechen men and women who claimed allegiance to the separatist movement in Chechnya. As Moscow emerges from the shock of last month's hostage crisis, there is growing concern that innocent members of the capital's small Chechen community are. The siege ended in tragedy, and still provokes recriminations. Ten years ago, Russia and the world held their breath as special forces surrounded a Moscow theatre where nearly 1, 000 people were. With Andrei Bogdanov, Olga Churayeva, Galina Delitskaya, Valeri Draganov. Documentary on the terrorist attack of the Moscow Dubrovka theatre by Chechen terrorists, on the following hostage crisis and on the release of the hostages by. The Moscow theatre hostage drama is a dramatic reminder that Chechen separatists are capable of desperate cruelty when they're up against a wall. Some 700 hostages remain captive in a large theater complex Friday, cowering for a third day under the guns of 30 or 40 Chechens half of them. Special forces troops took control of a Moscow theatre in the early hours of Saturday morning where hundreds of hostages were being held by Chechen rebels, killing their leader and freeing all the. Watch videoWatch BBC Horizon 2004 The Moscow Theatre Siege by Barbu George on Dailymotion here The case histories of Casualties 1 to 3 agree with those of other Moscow Theatre Siege survivors. The rapid unconsciousness upon inhalation of the aerosol and loss of pain sensation upon awakening experienced by Casualties 1 and 2 are consistent with exposure to fentanyls. PowerPoint Slideshow about 'Moscow Theatre Siege 2002' isolde An ImageLink below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold licensed shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. On October 23, 2002, about 50 Chechen rebels storm a Moscow theater, taking up to 700 people hostage during a soldout performance of a popular musical. armed members of the Special Purpose Islamic Regiment took 850 theatre goers hostage at the Dubrovka Theatre in Moscow, culminating in a rescue operation that resulted in the deaths of many of. Unsolved mystery of Moscow theatre siege. Ten years on from event still shrouded in mystery, Russia's authorities believe there are no more questions to answer. 23, 2002: Moscow Theater Siege This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100 accurate. Now Playing: Fast facts about Labor Day Moscow siege: Have your say. Story Tools Tragic as it might be, there is something very sinister about the whole operation at the Moscow theatre. The Moscow theater hostage crisis was a spectacular media event, which sparked a wide domestic and international debate concerning the appropriateness of the Russian response. Gunmen and women storm a theatre in Moscow and hold the audience and cast hostage. There are reports that the group which calls itself a suicide squad (a smertniki) has packed explosives. A week ago Alex Bobik the 56year old Melbourne academic didnt know whether he would live or die as one of hundreds of theatre goers taken hostage in Moscow by Chechen rebels who threatened to b Russia told to compensate 64 victims of 2002 Moscow theatre siege Russia has been told to pay compensation to 64 people after the European Court of. But 117 of the hostages died during the storming of the theatre, with all but two initially reported as having been killed by the gas. On Tuesday, the Moscow prosecutor said 45 hostages had died. We conclude that the anaesthetic drugs conjectured in the raid on the Moscow theatre would be highly insufficient to cause rapid incapacity, and that this is by far the weakest of theories in connection with the mysterious gas used by Russian special forces. The Moscow Theatre Siege transcript. NARRATOR (JACK FORTUNE): A year ago in Moscow terrorists took a thousand people hostage and threatened to kill them. With the help of doctors and scientists in America, Germany and Britain, Horizon unpicks the mystery of the Moscow theatre siege. In October 2002, Chechen terrorists took a thousand people hostage in a Moscow theatre and threatened to kill them. Documentary about the siege of a Moscow musical theatre, when a Chechen suicide squad held 850 people hostage. Moscow Theatre Siege 2002 Available online at W. 4050 Chechan Militant Islamist Separatists When? Some 500 people have gathered in Moscow's Dubrovka Theater to remember the victims of a 2002 standoff in which 130 hostages died. On October 23, 2002, up to 50 Chechen militants stormed the. The theatre was established by K. NemirovichDanchenko in 1898 under the name Moscow Art Theatre (MKhAT). This is the first theatre in Russia, who practiced the real reform and together with young actors created modern repertoire. Find industry contacts talent representation. Access indevelopment titles not available on IMDb. Get the latest news from leading industry trades Pelevine spent time in Moscow interviewing survivors of the attack and their relatives, making notes on how it had felt to be inside the theatre during the 57 hours of the siege. Die Geiselnehmer, die teilweise mit Gasmasken ausgerstet waren, setzten weder ihre Sprengstze ein, noch erffneten sie das Feuer auf die Geiseln, als der Sturmangriff begann. Stattdessen feuerten die Geiselnehmer blindlings auf die russischen Positionen auerhalb des Theaters. A survivor of the Moscow theatre siege recalls her ordeal at the mercy of Chechen rebels and the deadly end to the standoff. The chemical agent used in the Moscow theatre hostage crisis of 23 October 2002 has never been definitively revealed by the Russian authorities, Russia. As police surrounded the theatre, three days of negotiations followed. The renowned children's doctor Leonid Roshal took part in it. The Chechens did not want to die but they were ready to die if necessary. In the documentary, Horizon reports on a siege in October 2002, where Russian terrorists took a thousand people hostage in a Moscow theatre and threatened to kill them. In the Moscow theatre, the perpetrators had a tactical plan of action in place and had arranged logistical support prior to their assault. Explosives and arms were prestaged inside of the target prior to the assault, similar to the incident at Columbine. Moscow Theatre Siege's profile including the latest music, albums, songs, music videos and more updates. More than 90 hostages die in Moscow siege. Russia's health minister has announced that the death toll among hostages in the siege of a Moscow theatre has risen to 90. Since the theatre siege, the Chechen black widows have struck again in Moscow. Last July, two of them killed at least 16 people when they detonated the. The authorities in Moscow have reaffirmed that most of the hostages who died in the theatre siege were killed by gas and not gunfire. One hundred and seventeen hostages were killed when Russian troops stormed the Moscow theatre on Saturday. The official ceremony at the square outside the Dubrovka theatre, held to mourn the victims of the 2002 Moscow theatre siege, has come to an end. In memory of the tragedy one minute's silence was held, 130 white balloons were released into the sky, each r Nevertheless, people are expected to turn up. Moscow theatre siege Hundreds of theatre goers remain trapped in the auditorium Hundreds of hostages are released after Russian troops storm a Moscow theatre. An article on Monday and three articles yesterday about the raid by Russian security forces on a Moscow theater held by Chechen guerrillas misstated the. MOSCOW Time has not eased Dmitry Milovidov's grief over the death of his 14year old daughter, Nina, in the Moscow theater siege. Milovidov stills struggles to contain his anger as he recounts.