Steven Paul Jobs, asto pouze Steve Jobs, (24. nora 1955 San Francisco, USA 5. jna 2011 Palo Alto, USA) byl zakladatel, vkonn editel a pedseda pedstavenstva firmy Apple a zrove jedna z nejvraznjch osobnost potaovho prmyslu poslednch tyiceti let. V roce 1976 spolu se Stevem Wozniakem zaloil firmu Apple, kter vyvinula jedny z prvnch. Apple cofounder Steve Jobs finally succumbed to cancer at the age of 56 on October 5th, leaving behind a legacy that changed the computer, music, film and wireless industries. Steve Jobs sa nscut n San Francisco, fiind adoptat de Paul i Clara Jobs, din Mountain View, comitatul Santa Clara, California, acetia dndui numele de Steven Paul. Paul i Clara au adoptat mai trziu o feti pe care au numito Patti. Prinii si biologici sunt Abdul Fattah Jandali, pe atunci, un student sirian, fiu al unui moier arab musulman din Homs i care. Steve Jobs apresentando durante a Apple Worldwide Developers Conference em 2010: Nome completo Steven Paul Jobs Nascimento 24 de fevereiro de 1955 [1 So Francisco, Califrnia, Estados Unidos: Morte 5 de outubro de 2011 (56 anos) [2 Palo Alto, Califrnia, Estados Unidos [2: Residncia The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs, which premieres at the Sante Fe Opera this weekend, dramatizes Jobss life in a unique way. We spoke with one of its cocreators to find out how the idea was born 5, 408 Followers, 0 Following, 12 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Steve Jobs (@stevejobsfilm) Steve Jobs (Steve Paul Jobs; San Francisco, 1955 Palo Alto, California, 2011) Informtico y empresario estadounidense. Padre del primer ordenador personal y fundador de Apple Computer, probablemente la empresa ms innovadora del sector, este mago de la informtica fue uno de los ms influyentes de la vertiginosa escalada tecnolgica en que an vive el mundo actual, contribuyendo. Drawing from some of the most pivotal points in his life, Steve Jobs, chief executive officer and cofounder of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios Youth. Steven Paul Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco, California. His unwed biological parents, Joanne Schieble and Abdulfattah Jandali, put him up for adoption. Apple ha perdido un visionario y genio creativo, y el mundo ha perdido a un ser humano maravilloso. Los que hemos tenido la suerte de conocerlo y trabajar con Steve, hemos perdido a un gran amigo, mentor e inspirador. Steve ha dejado una compaa que solo l poda crear, pero su espritu siempre vivir en Apple. Tambin Pixar dedic a Jobs su pgina web. Depois do curso bsico, Jobs cursou a Homestead High School entre 1968 e 1972. Nessa poca, conheceu Steve Wozniak (1950), que estudava na Universidade da Califrnia, em Berkley e, era especialista em fazer programas e circuitos integrados. Watch videoAt his Stanford University commencement speech, Steve Jobs, CEO and cofounder of Apple and Pixar, urges us to pursue our dreams and see the opportunities in life's setbacks. Steve Jobs Jobs zrt rendszere Szerkeszts Jobs egyik alapelve volt, hogy a hardver s szoftver tkletes, zrt rendszert alkosson s egy kzben sszpontosul irnyts legyen. Fenntartsai voltak az akkoriban megszokott felhasznli hardver mdostsokkal szemben is, szerinte ezek gyenge pontjai lehetnek az egybknt problmamentes mkdsnek. Steven Paul Steve Jobs1955 224 2011 105. The latest Tweets from Steve Jobs (@SteveJobsFilm). In theaters October 9, 2015 Steve Jobs was known for rebellion, his vision, and his creativity. But most of all, the name Steve Jobs became almost synonymous with innovation. Steve Jobs: Steve Jobs, cofounder of Apple Computer, Inc. ), and a charismatic pioneer of the personal computer era. Under his oversight, Apple introduced such innovative products as the iMac, iPhone, and iPod. He also helped build Pixar into a major animation studio. Learn more about Jobss life and career. En 1975, Jobs et Wozniak participent aux rencontres du Homebrew Computer Club, o les amateurs d'informatique viennent changer leurs ides concernant les machines de l'poque, telles que l'Altair 8800. Steve Wozniak s'initie aux microprocesseurs en dcouvrant l'Altair quip d'un Intel 8080 [a 6. Il conoit la suite de cela l'Apple I pendant l'anne 1975. Februar 1955 in San Francisco, Kalifornien; 5. Oktober 2011 in Palo Alto, Kalifornien) war ein USamerikanischer Unternehmer. Als Mitgrnder und langjhriger CEO von Apple Inc. gilt er als eine der bekanntesten Persnlichkeiten der mit Steve Wozniak und Ron Wayne grndete er 1976 Apple und half, sowohl das Konzept des. Watch videoThe iconic Steve Jobs cofounded Apple Computers with Steve Wozniak and led the company to pioneer a series of revolutionary technologies, including the iPhone and iPad. Set backstage at three iconic product launches and ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac, Steve Jobs takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution to paint an intimate portrait of. Commentary and archival information about Steve Jobs from The New York Times. Steve Jobs the movie is a lot like Steve Jobs the person: astonishingly brilliant whenever its not breaking your heart. Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, whos written about Americas Great Flawed. Here we see Steve Jobs delivering his commencement speech to the graduates of Stanford University in 2005. In it he talks about getting fired from Apple in 1985, life death. A Steve JobsSchool offers your child a rich learning environment with the most modern educational methods, where your child not only learns all the compulsory primary school matter, but where he or she will especially will be stimulated in a unique way, to discover his or her own talent and to develop skills that are of vital importance for the world of tomorrow. As CEO of Apple, Steve Jobs spearheaded some of the most iconic products in technology, entertainment and design. Watch videoSteve Jobs takes us behind the scenes of the digital revolution, to paint a portrait of the man at its epicenter. The story unfolds backstage at three iconic product launches, ending in 1998 with the unveiling of the iMac. Steve Jobs, Producer: Toy Story. Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco, California, to students Abdul Fattah Jandali and Joanne Carole Schieble who were unmarried at the time and gave him up for adoption. He was taken in by a working class couple, Paul and Clara Jobs, and grew up with them in Mountain View, California. The incredible life journey of the top selling female artist in the world, Yayoi Kusama. Kusama overcame impossible odds to bring her radical artistic vision to the world; now, her installation Infinity Mirrored Rooms sells out globally and she prolifically generates new work every day. Read a free sample or buy Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. You can read this book with Apple Books on your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, or Mac. Steven Paul Steve Jobs; 24 1955 (), , 5 2011, , , ). Steven Paul Steve Jobs (February 24, 1955 October 5, 2011) was an American businessman, investor, cofounder and CEO of Apple Inc. He was the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Pixar Animation Studios until it was bought by The Walt Disney Company. He was the largest shareholder at Disney and a member of Disney's Board of Directors. He was seen as a leading figure in both the. Steve Jobs [Walter Isaacson on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Based on more than forty interviews with Jobs conducted over two yearsas well as interviews with more than a hundred family members Apple has lost a visionary and creative genius, and the world has lost an amazing human being. Those of us who have been fortunate enough to know and work with Steve have lost a dear friend and an inspiring mentor. Steve leaves behind a company that only he could have built, and his spirit will forever be the foundation of Apple. This website is a repository of all things Steve Jobs biography, pictures, videos of his keynotes and demos, quotes, interviews you name it. Steve Jobs has 732, 929 ratings and 16, 288 reviews. Stephanie Very Stable Genius said: Steve Jobs was a damn dirty hippie. He didn't much like to show Steven Paul Steve Jobs (San Francisco, 24 februari 1955 Palo Alto, Californi, 5 oktober 2011) was de medeoprichter en topman van Apple (vroeger Apple Computer) en behoorde tot de raad van bestuur van Pixar Animation Studios. Na de overname van Pixar door Disney werd Jobs lid van de raad van bestuur van het bedrijf. Hoewel hij een symbolisch salaris van n dollar per jaar verdiende. Steven Paul Jobs, meglio noto come Steve Jobs (San Francisco, 24 febbraio 1955 Palo Alto, 5 ottobre 2011), stato un imprenditore, informatico e inventore statunitense. stato il cofondatore di Apple Inc. e ne stato amministratore delegato fino al 24 agosto 2011, quando si dimesso per motivi di salute (assumendo la carica di presidente del consiglio di amministrazione). Steve Jobs is the author of Steve Jobs Graduation Speech (4. 55 avg rating, 124 ratings, 5 reviews, published 2011), Steve Jobs (3. 98 avg rating, 120 rati Steven Paul Steve Jobs, fdd 24 februari 1955 i San Francisco i Kalifornien, dd 5 oktober 2011 i Palo Alto i Kalifornien, var en amerikansk entreprenr och affrsman, allmnt erknd som en karismatisk pionjr inom var medgrundare, styrelseordfrande och VD fr Apple Inc. Jobs var medgrundare och tidigare VD fr Pixar Animation Studios. 480, 000 likes 730 talking about this. This is a prepared text of the Commencement address delivered by Steve Jobs, CEO of Apple Computer and of Pixar Animation Studios, on June 12, 2005. helmikuuta 1955 San Francisco 5. lokakuuta 2011 Palo Alto) oli yksi tietotekniikkayhti Applen perustajista ja yhtin toimitusjohtaja. 2000luvulla hn toimi The Walt Disney Companyn johtokunnassa, johon hn ptyi tyskenneltyn animaatiostudio Pixarin johtoportaassa sen perustamisesta 1986 lhtien ja Disneyn ostettua sen 2006. Discover the innovative world of Apple and shop everything iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Mac, and Apple TV, plus explore accessories, entertainment, and expert device support. Steven Paul Jobs was born on 24 February 1955 in San Francisco, California, to students Abdul Fattah Jandali and Joanne Carole Schieble who were unmarried at the time and gave him up for adoption. Steven Paul Steve Jobs (fdt 24. oktober 2011) var bedst kendt som hovedstifter (sammen med Steve Wozniak og Ronald Wayne) af og bestyrelsesformand for Apple Inc. , og lidt mindre kendt som administrerende direktr for animationsstudiet Pixar. Steve Jobs blev betragtet som en pioner indenfor computerindustrien p grund af den succesrige Apple IIcomputer, og.